As a blogger, SEO Strategist and partial web developer, I find myself using numerous tools to help optimize blogs/websites. Below are few great tools/services which help make my optimization and implementation tasks a lot more efficient:
Bust-a-Name: A very quick and intuitive way to determine the availability of a given domain name. Bust-a-Name also provides suggestions for new domain names based on inputted keywords.
If you're not a web designer and need a simple and professional way to implement a website then checkout Weebly. Weebly, is a free service which offers dozens of website templates which you can customize and upload to your own domain.
Microsoft AdCenter's Keyword Service Platform provides numerous keyword analysis data and tools such as Keyword extraction, suggestion, search buzz, monthly traffic, keyword categorization, geographic info, demographic info, monetization info (clicks, impressions, avg positions, CTR, CPC).
SEO Digger is a decent keyword gathering and research tool but what it really helps me with is determining a given site's overall theme and keyword focus. Apart from a list of search queries, wordtracker and overture results are also determined (keyword popularity calculated by Data is also CSV-exportable.
Yahoo pipes can act as a very robust feed reader. It allows me to organize different blogs' data into a single source and apply numerous types of filters. Additionally I can combine all of the feed content from the blogs I write for and offer it to my readers as a single source rather than multiple feeds.
Source: Web Analytics World
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