They use Apple’s WebKit as a base rendering engine and put some -admittedly good- fluff around it. But what I don’t get is why they make another one. They would have been much more effective teaming up with Apple and Safari or the FireFox guys. It would have left the browser landscape untouched. This now adds yet again another thing you need to test when developing web applications. The cost alone worldwide to web development projects will be in the hundreds of millions. Just because Google thought it would be cool to have their own browser. I wonder if they ever thought of the follow-on-effect of their actions.
The only hope I have is that the WebKit engine they use remains unchanged. That would mean testing Chrome would test Safari and the other way round. That remains to be seen once the browser is out in the wild.
The ideas Google have and what they are trying to do is great but it’s just the wrong way. This smacks of a Microsoft stratagem and I also believe it will have a Microsoftish feel to it aka somewhat stale and big monopoly like.
As a tester I hope they will still come to their senses. We have enough browsers to have healthy competition and we have more than enough browsers to give testers a royal headache. So please not another cool browser!!!
Source: Erlewein
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