SearchCamp is here! Keep an eye on 28th February & 1st March 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009
The dream of all SEO, SMO, SEM & Internet Marketing prefessionals have finally taken shape in reality. Thanks to Mr. Ezhil Raja, Mr. Syed Nazir Razik & their friends, "Searchcamp" is ready to knock you out!

The SearchCamp team has a huge plan. They are trying to arrange a video conference with Mr. Matt Cutts, the father figure of Google. They have also palnned to bring some experts from Google India. If they are unable to join the SearchCamp, there is a possibility to arrange a video conference with them as well.

We alll know about the huge success of Searchcamp 2007. We are sure this year it will be even more fun!

If you are an SEO, SEM & Internet Marketing professional or interested in SEO, SMO, SEM & Internet Marketing, make sure you won't miss it. It is an oppurtunity of a lifetime!

See you there! Here are more details...!

SearchCamp is a two day event aimed to bring together the best minds from the Search Engine Marketing space to talk about search engine advertising, including optimization and marketing issues. The event is scheduled for the 28th February & 1st March 2009.

This is the second edition of the event and the first edition happened during 6th & 7th of October 2007, at Tidel Park, Chennai. SearchCamp will feature workshops, debates and keynotes on the present state and evolution of Search Engine Marketing.

Why Search Camp..?

Because search marketing is one of the most if not THE most accountable forms of advertising your business today.

So what are you doing about capturing search traffic for your business?

* Do you rank for the keywords that are mission critical to your business?
* Have you optimised your local listings for maps and mobile search?
* Have you optimised your corporate videos for search?
* Do you optimise your corporate blog?
* Have you trained your technical staff in good SEO practice?

We could keep asking questions, the one you need to ask yourself is this - Are you happy with your return on investment from search marketing?

If not, then you need to attend SearchCamp 2009, India’s leading search marketing Conference.

Topics To be Discussed in The 2 day Camp.

Day 1 of SearchCamp will focus on Organic Search, and Day 2 on Paid Search. Following are the broad areas of content that will be covered during this edition of SearchCamp. Exact sessions can be found here - Sessions

Organic SEO

* Keyword Research
* Onpage Optimization
* Converting SEO Traffic
* Technical Issues for Developers
* Copywriting
* Brand Building
* Link Building
* Local Search Tactics

Paid Search

* PPC Keywords & Bids
* Landing Page Strategies
* Automated Bid Management
* APIs
* Tracking Conversions

Social Media Marketing

* Hot Trends
* Online Reputation Management

Web Analytics

SEM Careers

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